onsdag 28. november 2007

19 år gammel palestiner: "Why to live?" ...Hør soundslide 3 minutt

Hun har mistet huset sitt syv ganger, hver gang har israelske soldater kommet med bulldosere om natten. De har truet brødrene hennes på livet og forlatt familien i mørke og kulde under åpen himmel midt på vinteren. 19 åringen har et sterkt sinne mot israelere og omtaler dem som "fienden". Hun er den eneste i sitt område som går på universitetet og leser mye. Samtidig har alle urolighetene ført henne inn i tung depresjon. Den unge kvinnen vil ikke snakke om framtiden.
"Why to live?".

Her house has been destroyed seven times by soldiers. The 19 year old girl goes to University and tries to establish some normal life between the harassments from settlers and the Israelians. She doesn´t want to talk about the future: Why bother, Why live? the beautyful young woman asks under the new shelter her mum has built for her eleven children.

1 kommentar:

Dog star sa...

I am Chetan from India. Eilin led me to your blog. Its very nice. Infact I am really impressed with the photography and the way you have combined it with journalism. I find that both your photography and your writing have their own charm and the combination is particularly powerful in the part about Joshep. The pictures or the music players also I like very much, and the dog too. I like to do photography too but I struggle with its technicalities most of the time.
Anyways, I found your expression quite brilliant.